Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pre-Op Day (8/13/13)

OMG!  Let me recap the day, thus far - mind you it's only 3:45pm but who knows if I'll blog at all today if I don't do it now!  So, last evening upon arriving in kcmo at a respectable time we attempted to retire for a nights rest!  Nobody slept well and then the motel had a fire alarm at 5am to start the day off, seriously?!  After standing in our skivvies in the Parking lot for about 15 minutes, the rentacop told us not to worry that there was no fire, it was simply a tripped breaker!  Gee, thanks buddy, guess we'll just go back in and go back to sleep - HA!  Next it was onto the continental breakfast, which was not too shabby!  However, while eating we phoned the Donho (Ronald McDonald House) to check in to our room we reserved 3 months ago but they're still waiting to fill requests from yesterday, no dice there until maybe tomorrow!  Oh well, we're not the only patients at CMH!!!  Hopefully no "fire alarm" tonight at the motel; DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA!  Since preop apt wasn't until noon I did get some pretty sweet paint and paint brushes at Hobby Lobby which I was jazzed about!  We arrived at CMH about 45 min before our apt but we discovered one of the parental units (aka MAAAAAAHHHMM!) was missing an ID which meant no entrance to the apt, so dad hauled some hiney back to the motel and got the ID!  We had delightful, gourmet lunch (slice of pizza, hummus & chips, and chicken sandwiches) at the cafeteria for about 7 min before the apt started!  Needless to say we made the apt in time with some gas in the tank!  Typical apt; wait, wait, wait, all while I'm suppose to be napping with Gemmie!  We're all a little short on sleep in the first place, so the stage had already been set!  Anyhoos, after meeting w/ every CMH employee (JK) and going over tomorrow's events, it was time for my chest X-ray, which was no big deal!  Then the dreaded blood draw!  I did better than usual and the lady was slick!  However, they dropped the blue tube to check for clotting time but they're just gonna draw it tomorrow when I'm out!  To finish off the preop apt we had a little run around with getting my antibacterial cream but managed to get back to the motel with it before going down for a nap around 3:30 - only 2.5 hrs late!  Tomorrows the big day!  We go in at 6 bells beings the first one on the books and surgery is supposed to last about 4-5 hrs!  Thank you all, so much for your continued prayers and support!  I love you all, peace, out, Bean

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