Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good evening, my little blogees!  I hope I didn't whine too much last evening, good thing I had some cheese to go along with it-JK!  My day was better, but I can't say as much changed when it came to the chest X-ray or the lab #'s.  We will just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings, but things are slowly turning around-I can feel it!  Dad pretty much made me wear a hole in the carpet walking up and down the hallway, Gemma and I are swatting and pinching each other, and we've all accepted the fact that we're a little crazy!  One big, happy family semi-confined to a 12'x15' room-seems a lot like prison at times!  Not that I would know what prison is like-at least as far as you know, HA!
There was a couple pluses today; we finally got into the Donho (Ronald McDonald House) and I sure am enjoying that hog for an IV the vascular team put in my arm with the aid of an ultrasound machine.  That bad boy flushes and draws easy every time, knock on wood, wait, just forget I blogged that!  Needless to say, there's been ALOT less drama when it comes to lab draws-dad was even to the point he was crying during them!  
Please send a special thought my way tonight, mom's gotta get some quality sleep at the Donho with Gemma, so Mr. Mom's staying with me.  Little Gemmie is ecstatic while Kaylee's,well...skeptical!  You would think after being married to mom for almost a decade, having me almost 4 years ago, and Bot over 2 years ago that he'd understand girls and sensitivity a little better?!  News flash, dad, the long hair isn't cutting it-I think he grew it out to hide his thick head!  While no one can ever live up to my mommy, I'm pretty sure we will endure (mom showed me the spot in the ribs to elbow when he gets to snoring)!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Can't wait to see you all! We miss you! Prayers & 'men's still comin your way. Blog actually accepted my comment....what?!?
